
Season 1 EP. 05 - BS 8539:2012 code of practice - what do I need to know?

MIDFIX catch up with RawlPlug UK to discuss how BS 8539 has impacted contractors, installers, suppliers, manufacturers and distributors within the construction industry.

The BS (British Standard) 8539 was published in 2012, adapted and driven forward by the CFA, setting out a standard procedure for the safe selection, supplying, installation and testing of anchors / fixings installed in concrete or masonry.

The purpose of the BS 8539:2012 is to guide designers, specifiers, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, installers and testers of anchors, to ensure a safe and compliant install. BS 8539 refers to ETA (European Technical Assessment) and recommends specifying anchors within the correct ETA for the given application.

Furthermore, the BS 8539:2012 states that as soon as an individual takes responsibility for selecting the anchor, they immediately become the specifier and therefore liable for any consequential errors.